Our Story
Goswami Academy is named after Tamal Krishna Goswami. He was a dynamic and influential teacher. It was his vision to establish a values-based school in Houston. He believed that it is essential that children be provided with a strong foundation of character and academic education at a young age. He felt that by doing so, these values would be engraved into their lifestyle and stay with them well into their future.

We inspire EXCELLENCE IN creative academics through a culture of spiritual values by nurturing relationships.
Atmosphere of:
Children are:
Values are woven into the fabric of our curriculum at Goswami Academy and are the heart of our holistic education. Values are intrinsic to the soul and can be discovered through knowledge, practice, and interaction with others. The common language of values permeates the school atmosphere and helps learners articulate and reflect upon their understanding.
- I am kind and caring.
- I treat all living beings with love.
- I am mindful of treating others the way I wish to be treated.
- I am honest no matter who is around.
- I am someone who others can trust.
- I understand that my words have an impact on others.
- I care for and support others.
- I appreciate others’ thoughts and feelings, even if they are different from my own.
- I value nature and our environment.
- I take care of my body so that I am healthy and strong.
- I keep my environment neat and organized so that I can focus.
- I meditate and pray to clear my mind and heart.
- I am calm and patient when obstacles arise.
- I can accept when things don’t go my way.
- I am in control of my words and actions.
- I say what I mean and I mean what I say.
- I am present in the moment.
- I am thankful for and satisfied with what God has given me.
- I am able to accept correction with grace and dignity.
- I seek first to understand, then to be understood.
- I take pleasure in helping others
and considering their needs before my own.
Service to God
- I am conscious of God and all of His creations.
- I understand everything is connected to God.
- I lovingly serve and offer everything I have to God.